Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Congratulations, we have a 2yr old.(developmentally anyway) As we are working on stage 3, Cotton has suddenly formed an opinion. Not only an opinion, but the right to throw temper tantrums! I could not be more excited. This morning I asked him to get his hat, he glanced at me turning around to invite me along. Intrigued I followed... he grabbed his red hat, "oh the red hat" I said, to which he threw it on the ground and proudly produced his blue hat. He had a such a big proud smile on his face. I can not say that I enjoy the temper tantrums, I am just thankful he has an opinion, and can express it at all. He also has a new passion for sword fighting. It's a great coordinated action, however, it is much more fun to play with dad. It is hilarious to witness.