Monday, April 2, 2007


I am so frustrated right now. We have so much going on that Cotton is really "locking up". He is coordinating beautifully, but with NO emotion, so it is really pointless. I know we are crazy right now, dad just got home, we went to go look for a new house,he had the stomach flu, and the movers come next week. I would be crazy not to expect some sort of growing pains. It is just so hard to watch my little guy who is emerging from this shell retreat:( I know this is temporary, and he will quickly pick things up again, I just love seeing that twinkle in his eye. I am hoping to get some really good one on one with him this afternoon (and some video), it will make us both feel better.

1 comment:

Christine said...

We're going through a similar time. I'm not sure what it is except that we have started some new objectives. Sometimes I wonder if his concentration on what is new is just so vast that he doesn't have an ounce of energy left to emote! But whatever it is I just want to get through it!!