Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Things are not too well in my world right now. Cotton is a little upside down. He is starting to find his footing, but I feel like I am pulling teeth. Poor guy has been through waaaay too many changes. I am trying to give him time, but when I have seen him come so far, it is hard to see him like this.

Not to mention that BOTH of my laptops crashed!!!!! So I am stuck in a hotel, with no link to the outside world:(


Christine said...

I'm sending good thoughts your way! It must be hard on all of you. BUT it is only temporary!! In no time Cotton will be right-side up again and so will you :-)

mjsuperfan said...

Oh, this sounds so familiar to me! And even though the stage has always passed, I still get a bit panicky each time.

It only happens to one of my twins,but whenever he gets a virus, he totally shuts down and will not engage. It lasts for much longer than the virus does.

Then, just as I am getting very discouraged and worried, he starts to look at me again, and smile, and seek me out.

Even though they do come out of it, it is still darn hard to take!
Hope things are sorting themselves out.