Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I have mentioned before, that Cotton loves to swim. Today was no different than most. He starts the day insisting that he wears his swim trunks, which is fine, clothes are optional at my house right now (at least for the kids). We spend half the day getting muddy, and the other half getting wet, and I am not a huge fan of laundry. Today, however it was storming so swimming wasn't really an option. Cotton pulls me to the door, looks up and nods. I say "no I'm sorry honey, it is raining." All of a sudden Cotton pulls his little hand up to his chest, and signs "please"! I have NEVER prompted him to sign this ever (which, now that I think of it I should have), but this was totally his own. This broke my heart, I said, "I am so sorry we can't"... THEN he signed "swim, please!!!!" Again I have only showed him the sign for 'swim' once, and it was months ago!!! I was so excited I filled the bathtub and let him swim in his trunks- not quite as fun but they had a good time taking a bath in the middle of the day.


mjsuperfan said...

Wow! He combined two signs, that's impressive.

Isn't the please sign irresistable?

Jessica said...

Way to go Cotton! Doesn't it blow your mind when they do things out of left field? Melts your heart too!