Thursday, January 25, 2007

Our 2nd RDA

Well, we had our 2nd RDA this week. It was exhasting, but very informative. We saw a lot of progress, and some gaping holes. My consultant is putting together a video of the highlights from this RDA from the last, this will be great to see, and great tool to show to Cotton's therapists. One of our biggest challanages is getting Cotton to use what he has learned through RDI in the real world. He does a fantastic job in our little bare room. He is certainly branching out into the world, but it is going to take time, and scaffolding. It does not take much to make my little boy shut down. So I will have to gently and slowly guide him. Gosh, over all the changes in him are amazing. Most notably is his desire and joy in looking into our eyes. He is no longer overwhelmed by gazing at us. He seeks out our faces, and holds our gaze for a long time. He enjoys our reaction and seeks it out. He can gather information, from our non verbal communication, he has a better grasp of intent (wich is huge considering his auditory processing dificulties). We have so far to go. So one step at a time.

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