Friday, January 26, 2007


When Cotton is faced with a situation that he can not handle, he goes boneless. Just completely melts, and becomes utterly detached. He never screams, or cries, he simply just drifts off into his safe little world. RDI is slowly helping him feel more competent in new situations. The goal is for him to have a repertoire of success upon which to apply to future "uncertain" situations. He is already getting better at this. For example when out in public it is rare to ever hear a peep from Cotton.
However now that he is better at coordinating, he is sort of forced to pay attention, in order to keep up with us. This simple action keeps him in our world. I have found the more I integrate gross motor skills, the less likely it is for Cotton to go boneless. He has to always stay in tune with me in order to know what to do next. Being able to depend on me to help him through uncertain situations, has also been a big help. Providing brief moments of uncertainty in these RCR's gives him the memory of being able to handle those moments, and use this confidence to do it again.
Activities I find helpful:
Hide and seek (modified chase)
Pushing a wagon or grocery cart (I pull he pushes)
Carrying basket together in stores, or for the laundry

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