Saturday, March 24, 2007


This is my last week as a single mom!!!! Woo Hoo! He's coming home, he's coming hoooome! OK enough singing, I am just so darned excited. One thing about it, when your husband leaves every 30 days or so, you really learn to appreciate him. I mean he could sit on the couch and play video games for all I care, as long as I can walk down the street ALONE to get the mail, I am in heaven. Although I am sure it will be an adjustment having him home all the time, and I am not sure how to have an argument, with out the phone beeping at us telling us our 15 min are up.... If you ever want to have a good laugh try having a fight over email!! You can copy and post previous comments, concrete proof of how wrong they are:P But he is off the ground, I know that he is at least on his way, they can not back out now!!!


mjsuperfan said...

I just discovered your blog and I love it. Your sons are so sweet.
I'd like to learn more about RDI. I've been trying to use floortime, but it's so unstructured. A friend gave me an RDI book, but so far my twins are not quite advanced enough for a lot of the activities. We are just getting started.
By the way, my brother-in-law has albinism. It has never slowed him down. He is legally blind, so he can't drive, but he can read with special glasses.
Glad to hear your husband is coming home. You have your hands full!

Christine said...

Wow! You must be thrilled. I honestly don't know how you manage to be so sane with him gone all the time. I only just made it through 10 days and then told DH he was never to leave again! But no more deployments for your husband, right? You must be so relieved!!!!