Sunday, March 4, 2007

Long lines and little miracles

So there I was, my 3rd trip to Walmart (today) waiting in the forever lines that only exist on the week ends. I was watching all the "other" kids. The typical kids begging for candy, or crying because they did not get something they wanted. Twirling behind their parents, or hanging on the end of buggies. As I headed for the conveyor belt, Cotton looks up at me and pushes me to the side. He starts to unload the grocery cart. The check out girl said "wow, how old is he", "four" I said. "I would fall flat on the floor if my four year old helped me unload the buggy", she said. "He is a very good boy", I said.

So we head home with oh, about 20, 40lbs bags of fill dirt ( I am selling my house, and it is finally warm enough to do some landscaping.) Cotton "helps" me carry the bags to the wagon, where Mr. Chief was waiting for more dirt. We lug the wagon to the back yard together, and spread the dirt. To be perfectly honest Cotton made it through two bags, and went to walk up and down the fence, but hey we had a very busy day.

I guess the point of my rambling, is that today I felt lucky. I was not jealous of the conversations the other people were having with their children. I was proud, and thought wow, I have remarkable kids. Cotton was really helping me this weekend, he is so much more a part of this family. I don't have to manage him any more, he fully participates. He has his moments of course this is a long road, but for the first time in a long time, I feel like I can breathe. Just in time for Mr. Chief to enter the terrible two's:)

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